I’m quite often to be heard uttering the phrase ‘Play is wasted on children’. And never have I felt this is more true that in a trampoline park. For one thing, in the course of normal life kids fall down all the time, and because they bounce they get right back up again. On the other hand, adults have the heft to be able to make use of a trampoline and have a proper appreciation of temporarily floating on air.
So I’m surprised to discover in Base Jump Trampoline Park that, apart from some parents with small kids, there are hardly any adults. Wasted on the little ones, I tell you!

I find bouncing surprisingly difficult to start with. For one thing, the instructional video has completely terrified me about the many things one could do that will result in paralysis or instant death. For another, attempting to move between trampolines results in forces flinging you about the place. But soon enough I’m bouncing around and enjoying getting some air beneath my feet.
Despite their best efforts to provide games for participants to enjoy, I still find just bouncing along the most fun. At one point I spring on the spot, feeling my breathing coming in and out, and pretty much do a bouncing meditation. There’s something physical and real and true about the experience of trampolining, and I feel connected to the world.
And by the end – exhausted!

If you could build a house on a trampoline, that would suit me fine – Alan Rickman
Ease of play: 6/10
Resemblance to play: 9/10
Aggression: Medium-to-High
Speed: Fast
Enjoyability: High
Potential frequency of play: Medium
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