Hot on the heels of yesterday’s Lego Serious Play workshop I’m back at The Hospital Club for their The Bigger Picture week. This time, it’s games to help the environment, from the lovely people at Eco Action Games and Cool Earth.
Eco Action Games showed us a number of their games, including Eco Action Trumps and a food waste snakes-and-ladders game. But We played Play Your Eco Cards Right, splitting into two teams. Do solar panels on your roof save a HIGHER amount of CO2 than draft proofing, or a LOWER amount?

The game was fun – largely as a function of us all getting into it. It’s a great way to introduce people to the main concepts around environmental action, and even more importantly getting them discussing it. We had a good discussion at the end about how small some of the gains are for the behavioural changes advocated, e.g., by Local Government. But in fact, we realised these easy, cost-free changes that anyone can make soon add up to the equivalent of big, expensive changes.
I don’t think anyone left without having really thought again about the environment, the actions we can all take to help maintain it, and recognising that whilst the task ahead is difficult, we can all play a part!

The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved. – Richard Rogers
Ease of play: 6/10
Resemblance to play: 6/10
Aggression: Low-to-Medium
Speed: Medium
Enjoyability: Medium
Potential frequency of play: Low
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